Adventures in websiting

Posted on Dec 30, 2022

Knowing that I was headed off on a bicycle ride, I wanted a way to keep friends and family apprised of my little victories and mishaps. So I set out to make a very basic website using Hugo for the framework and GitHub for hosting.

  • I first started with a simple write-up, the one shown here.
  • I hadn’t used git in quite some time and found many handy guides online, but this one worked best for me.
  • Lastly, I set git up with some SSH keys and I hit the ground running!

I tried a few different readymade themes, tried modifying some, and then settled on a simple, straightforward one called Archie, which you’re probably seeing here. I did change a few things around and I’m hoping that’s ok under the MIT licensing scheme. More on fixing some of the customization issues here. Now, whenever I want to share something, I can write a post with the following commands.

$ hugo new posts/
$ hugo server

Then, I can work on that for a bit, get it all polished up and ready to go and then publish it using the following commands.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "message here"
$ git push

Maybe someone who uses git more regularly and together with others in a team is ready to point out some glaringly poor practice, but it seems to work for now. To keep my full-res photos off of github, I’ll resize them using IrfanView while I look for a better way to host those. I think that about covers it. Thanks for reading this far, but this post was really just a test drive for myself ;)

P.S. I see there’s also functionality for adding YouTube videos. My notes tell me this one was helpful.

I think most of the trouble I’m having is in the github hosting, which seems to 404 for a while after pushing my changes. This guide seems to address these two working together (or not) and I thought this was a handy git cheatsheet.